Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Mac Mini!

Purchased a new Mac Mini last week!

This is the first Mac that I've ever owned and quite frankly, I can't believe that I waited this long!

So, I thought I would put together a small blog about the new Mac Mini and my goals to develop software for it. I'm a total newbie at Mac development and have a long, long way to go. I downloaded Xcode from the App Store and wow, I have no idea what to do with it. So, it looks like I'll need to purchase a few books.

Some of my goals include:

  • Learning Objective-C and Cocoa <-- The main development tools for the Mac
  • Developing a game for the Mac App Store
  • One day owning, and making a game for, the iPhone
  • Losing 20lbs! (I know, this has nothing to do with programming computers!)
  • Becoming a Mac guru by the end of the summer (I know, lofty goals!)
Thanks for reading my blog. I hope to update it as frequently as possible.


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