Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No E-mail client on Windows 7 and other rants

Just realized what everybody probably knows already: Windows 7 doesn't ship with any native mail client! Hilarious.

On another note, I honestly don't know why such a big fuss was made over Win 7 and how it was so much superior to Vista. I've worked with the latter OS for a good 3 years (prior to getting my Mac Mini) and never experienced any problems. Like it or not, Vista was a solid product. Folks who had problems with it generally fell into two categories:

  1. Those who didn't feel the need to register their product (i.e., participate in the so-called Windows Genuine Advantage program). Seriously, if you don't want to pay for your OS, go get one that's free, like Linux;
  2. Those who purchased computers that didn't adequately meet Vista's hardware specs. A lot of low-end laptops had the deluxe version of Vista crammed into them. On top of that, vendors were loading the computers with other useless junk, like Realplayer, etc.
I'm sure Win 7 is a complete re-write (I haven't checked) and I don't pretend to know what's going on under the hood, but after loading some applications over the OS, I can't say I'm blown away. I just don't feel like there's much of a paradigm shift between Vista and 7. Sure, my stuff runs faster but my Mac Mini is a new computer and moreover, the first dual-core processor I have ever owned. So faster load times are probably due to that, and not the OS. 

Still, Win 7 seems solid and I'm happy to have it on another partition on my Mac. There's certain things I have to do on Windows (but if I could, I would definitely prefer to do them on OS X!)

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